About us
The Holly Foundation is a charitable organisation with offices in the UK and a project based in Uganda
(Click here for the Holly Foundation Uganda website)
The Charity objective is to help a sickle cell child and their family while bringing sickle cell awareness to the schools, community and public in Luweero district. The Charity does this through three ways:-
1. advancement of health and saving lives
We provide practical assistance in the form of medical care, psychological counseling, transport to reassure sufferers and carers that they are not alone. We have regular focus group meetings to enrich and connect sufferers in order to innovate and exchange ideas and help to break the barrier of isolation and depression which can come with the Sickle Cell disorder.
2. advancement and furthering of education
Sickle-cell sufferers tend to spend some time on admission to hospitals and attending to their health appointments; hence they miss their classes in school. It is always difficult for them to catch-up with the rest of the class group. Holly Foundation wants to intervene in such times. Also these sufferers in most cases are denied the precious opportunity of Education by their parents saying they cannot waste anymore monies on their school fees since they are going to die anyway soon.
Holly Foundation is given Scholarships to help the sickle-cell suffers further their education.
We have produced educational leaflets about the disease to help the community understand sickle-cell disease.
3. the relief of poverty of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill health and disability.
By providing different projects where the sickle cell sufferer and their family would be able to have self sufficiency. The projects include goats project, cows project, pigs project, chicken project, medicines project, charity shop and garden project.
We are Holly’s legacy
THE HOLLY FOUNDATION was set up to bring hope to millions of voiceless sickle cell sufferers, especially in Uganda. It was to commemorate the memory of Holly, a seventeen year old girl, whose impact and insight demonstrated something remarkable that we must pass on to future generations to improve their lives.
Opposite is a short video giving the origins and the hopes of the Foundation. Also, click here for MORE ABOUT WHAT WE DO.
Holly was a seventeen year old girl when she sadly passed away in March 2010 due to sickle cell disease.
Holly was a loving young person deeply devoted to her faith. She loved and respected everyone, especially anyone younger than her.
In 2008 she attracted the attention of newspapers as a girl who took her GSCE examination while in hospital; her grades were exemplary.
Holly had a unique character. Before answering any questions from someone older than her, she would always pause and think before she would finally answer. She had a teenage side too when among her peers.
Towards anyone younger, she would show a very loving care and responsibility. Holly would always stand up for children, all of whom she thought should be fairly treated.