Our Partnership
As Holly Foundation Sickle Cell,it’s so wonderful how it feels to work with Kyetume Community Based on Sicklecell Health Care Programme And Ministry of Health as a partners in Ugandan,Africa.Thus helping people with SickleCell.
In Uganda
Holly Foundation Uganda is trying to bring as many stake holders as possible on board in order to support people living with sickle cell in Uganda. For that note, beside the government (Ministry of Health and Luwero Health Center IV), the organisation is in partnership with Our Lady’s Parents Primary School Luwero, through this partnership, the school offered 20 scholarships to Holly Foundation Uganda to unprivileged sickle cell children who can attend primary level. Therefor we ask other stake holders to accept our call for partnership such that Holly Foundation Uganda has enough support to sickle cell sufferers in Luwero District and Uganda in general.

Kyetume CBHC Programme
P.O.Box 166, Mukono Uganda
Tel: +256 77 2425 997
email: kyetumecbhc@yahoo.co.uk
website: www.kyetumecbhcp.org
A holistic and integrated approach to Community Health.

Ministry Of Health – Uganda
Address: P.O Box 7272,Kampala,Uganda.
Tel: +256 417 712260
Website: www.health.go.ug

Website: www.who.int
Uganda – Country Office
Address: P.O. Box 24578 Shimoni Rd, Kampala
Phone: 031 3335500